taking competencies and the impact you can make with them to the next level...

...the things people define, measure, and discuss tend to be the things organizations really get done...

for organizations...

IC2 will help you identify, define, develop/acquire, and integrate the unique competencies you need to successfully execute your strategies.

A strong connection between what an organization is trying to do and what its people are actually doing (and doing well) is a powerful return on investments in well conceived, communicated, and integrated competency work.

  Primary Service Lines:

  • Competency and Talent Innovation Consulting

  • Custom Learning and Development Services

  • Talent Acquisition - Interviewer and Candidate Preparation

  • Coaching, Mentoring, and Counseling Consultation

  • Financial Modeling and Analysis


for individuals...

IC2 will help you discover, further develop, and strategically present your unique competencies in pursuing your career objectives and opportunities.

Your results may be acknowledged by others, but it may be left to you to comprehensively identify, prioritize, and articulate all of the competencies you leverage in achieving them - the key to making the most of your capabilities.

competencies:  the unique capabilities, skills, and behaviors people demonstrate in performing day-to-day work - they are the building blocks of talent.