Your Interviews

  • Research opportunities thoroughly:
    • Find the right opportunities for you
    • Really get to know the organization and the position
  • Collaborate formulation of your own IMPACT questions to ask in an interview in further demonstration of your competencies and your interests


individual development services...

Your Career and Professional Relationships

Supporting Roles

IC2 Coaching Specialties

  • "Getting Unstuck"
  • Performance / competency-based
  • Executive / leadership
  • Career - action plan your aspirations and your passions
  • Select and invite the right people to be your mentors
  • Engage and sustain your mentoring relationships - they are precious!
  • Solicit and interpret informal feedback
  • Understand and action plan your formal feedback (e.g. performance reviews, 360 / peer / upward feedback)
  • Optimize your relationship and communication with your counselor / supervisor
  • Do you have an advocate?  Do you need one?
  • Position yourself for sponsorship
Brochure:  Professional Coaching Services - Descriptions and Success Factors


Your Competencies
Discover and Identify
  • Your IMPACT competencies - your unique capabilities that make a real difference
  • Your traits - they are important too - they impact demonstration of your competencies and how they are perceived by others 
Prioritize and Articulate
  • Your competencies and your traits in terms that resonate with decision-makers
  • Your competencies/traits, experience, and credentials with confidence, clarity, and credibility in:
    • Resumes
    • Cover letters
    • Online profiles
    • Elevator pitches - what if you had only one minute to really sell yourself to someone you just met?


taking competencies and the impact you can make with them to the next level...