Competency and Talent Innovation Consulting
Identify and Define
  • A vision for what you want OID (Organizational and Individual Development) to be in your environment
  • IMPACT competencies unique to your organization / business unit
    • From inception for new competency models
    • Comprehensive diagnostic tune-ups and maintenance for established models
  • Align and update the competencies you need; cull redundancy and what you no longer need
Organize and Prioritize
Validate and Communicate
  • Efficiently review competencies with appropriate parties to ensure validity, relevance, and comprehensiveness
  • Develop appealing and engaging competency material rollout strategies
  • Cross-cultural competency consultation
Integrate, Align, and Deploy
  • Life cycle "recruitment to retirement" competency / process integration - e.g. with:
    • Organization structure design and position descriptions
    • Hiring criteria and interview questions
    • Learning and development
    • Performance standards and assessment
    • Promotion criteria and succession planning
  • Strategic alignment - e.g. with:
    • Goal setting and organizational objectives
    • Ethics and critical initiatives
    • Marketing and communications
  • "Pull/Push" competency deployment strategies
Develop and Assess
  • Competency development strategies - examples:
    • Learning solutions, training, and workshops  (see also Custom Learning/Development Services below)
    • Self-directed learning - e.g. map development needs to the right resources
    • On-the-job - e.g. link development to coaching / assignments / scheduling / projects
  • Assessment, behavioral anchor, performance standard, and rating scale strategies
  • Gather, develop, and deliver effective feedback  (see also Coaching, Mentoring, and Counseling Consultation below)
  • Organizational bench strength - identify competency/talent gaps and trends
  • Competency/trait-based succession planning strategy and support
Innovate and Grow
  • Customer/client-centric competency strategies - critical connections to the business
  • Discover and capitalize upon "hidden" competencies
  • Anticipate IMPACT competencies of the future - stay ahead of the change curve
  • Foster a culture of competencies - organic integration - "competencies gone viral"
  • Rapid/dynamic competency development, deployment, and realignment:
    • Creating a new service line?
    • Experiencing a change in business environment?
    • Merging, acquiring, or reorganizing?
Brochure:  Identifying, Defining, Developing, and Integrating Competencies - asking the right questions


Talent Acquisition - Interview Preparation

Develop custom IMPACT competency-based behavioral interview questions, approaches, and materials
Interviewer Preparation

Train and coach interviewers in the art and the science of behavioral interviewing for selection - including:

  • The often underutilized power of effective probing questions
  • Interpreting answers and assessing evidence of specific competencies
  • Cross-cultural considerations
  • Differences between campus and experienced hire candidate interviewing
  • When and how to interview in teams

Coaching, Mentoring, and Counseling Consultation

Roles, Activities, and Behaviors
  • Leverage the similarities; understand the differences - role / activity definition and socialization unique to your organization
  • Manage / match supply and demand - strategy and design
  • Evolve from programs to natural and expected behaviors - competency / process integration and training
Coaching Specialties
  • "Getting Unstuck"
  • Performance / competency-based
  • Executive / leadership
  • New leaders
  • Career
Gather, Develop, and Deliver Effective Feedback
  • Sources, approaches, formats, and processes
  • Formal and informal feedback - the nuances
  • Customized, confidential, and independent feedback solicitation and synthesis:
    • For leadership teams, committees, and boards
    • Supporting individual and group coaching objectives and processes
  • 360-degree, peer, and upward feedback strategies - for example:
    • Solicited vs. unsolicited
    • Anonymous vs. identified
    • Competency- vs. trait-based
    • Developmental vs. evaluative
    • Customer/client participation
Brochure:  Professional Coaching Services - Descriptions and Success Factors

organization development services...

Custom Learning and Development Services

Sample Courses and Applications

  • Identify your environment's unique OID (organizational and individual development):

  • Identify skill gaps and optimal development solutions - with a focus upon effectiveness, engagement, and ROI

  • Design, develop, and deliver customized approaches and learning solution materials for target populations and applications
  • Core IC2 curricula:
    • Inquiry Skills: Managing Productive and Clarifying Dialogue
    • Successful Delegation and Supervision
    • Gathering, Developing, and Delivering Effective Feedback
    • Coaching, Mentoring, and Counseling - Integrating the Behaviors and Dialogue into Day-to-Day Work
    • Launching and Leading the Magic of Great Teams - Collective Competencies and Innovation
    •  "Inquiry meets delegation" - an example

  • Specialty curricula:
    • Behavioral Interviewing - for recruitment / candidate selection
    • "Learning Together..." - an approach to sharing knowledge for new services or products
    • Competency Modeling and Integration - for those with responsibility for talent management and OD
IC2 has strong instructional design and delivery capabilities that can help you with other learning topics of interest to your organization.
Brochure:  Sample Curriculum and Approach

Financial Modeling and Analysis

Projections and Analysis - supporting:
Sensitivity Analysis - for example:
  • New ventures and service lines
  • Business planning, budgeting, and resource allocation efforts
  • Decision-making and management reporting - for example:
    • Can you develop and promote the competencies you need?
    • Should you recruit?
    • Should you contract or outsource?
    • Should you "make or buy" learning and development solutions?
  • Operating model scenarios - e.g.:
    • Price / volume
    • Rate / utilization
  • Service line and staffing blends
  • Fixed / variable cost analysis
  • Break-even thresholds and profit margin targets


taking competencies and the impact you can make with them to the next level...